Steve Reed: Save our seas from destructive fishing
Industrial supertrawlers are tearing through the UK’s Marine Protected Areas, wiping out marine life at an alarming rate and impacting the livelihoods of small-scale fishing communities.
But Environment Secretary, Steve Reed, has the power to stop this destruction. Since leaving the EU the UK government has had the power to protect our precious ocean life. So far it has failed to act.
Sign the petition now calling for the government to ban supertrawlers from our Marine Protected Areas.
To: Steve Reed
“Ban supertrawlers and other destructive, industrial fishing vessels from the UK’s offshore Marine Protected Areas and stand up for ocean protection.”
Supporter - Greenpeace is urgently campaigning to stop destructive fishing from going ahead in our Marine Protected Areas and risking the health of our oceans. The campaign is 100% funded by individuals like you. Will you join us as a supporter with a regular amount of £3 or more a month?
Help us to keep up the pressure on the corporations and governments that threaten our planet by donating today:
Supporter - Greenpeace is urgently campaigning to stop destructive fishing from going ahead in our Marine Protected Areas and risking the health of our oceans. The campaign is 100% funded by individuals like you. Will you join us as a supporter with a regular amount of £3 or more a month?
This campaign is 100% funded by individuals like you. Will you join us as a supporter with a regular amount of £3 or more a month?