Join Climate Voters in your area and meet with your MP!
Now that we have a new parliament, it’s time to make sure every MP knows that their constituents demand action on climate and nature.
So this autumn, let's get together and meet with all our MPs! We're working in coalition with The Climate Coalition, so there will be lots of us.
No-one will need to meet their MP alone, and the Greenpeace political team will support you every step of the way.
Are you up for meeting with your new MP this autumn along with other Greenpeace supporters?
We need one person from every constituency to step up and organise a meeting with their MP. Would you be willing to organise the meeting with support from our political team?
Are you up for meeting with your MP and telling them to prioritise climate and nature? If so, add your name:
Supporter - Greenpeace's fearless campaigns are entirely funded by generous individuals like yourself.
Help us to keep up the pressure on the corporations and governments that threaten our planet by donating today:
Supporter - Greenpeace's fearless campaigns are entirely funded by generous individuals like yourself.
This campaign is 100% funded by individuals like you. Will you join us as a supporter with a regular amount of £3 or more a month?