Shell’s Post [Video]

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“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else”. Wael Sawan takes over as Shell CEO, working to deliver the energy the world needs today while helping to build the energy system of tomorrow. #PoweringProgress

What an incredible journey! Excited for what’s ahead of you. I can say I knew you back then!

Nicky Cooke

Transformational and Therapeutic Coach for professional women - empowering you to move beyond feeling stuck, unfulfilled, invisible or exhausted and step into being impactful, purposeful, present and motivated.


The 32 billion annual profits announced today are over double the estimated amount of money Pakistan needs to recover from last year’s devastating floods and ten times the cost of droughts in Brazil. Do you agree that the fossil fuel industry should acknowledge the climate destruction you’re causing globally?

None of what CEO Wael Sawan says in the above video means anything tangible. Why is Shell "Rewiring towards lower carbon" when the rest of the world is moving way beyond "lower carbon" into meaningful regeneration. The things Shell could do with their £32 billion record profits (but won't) whilst so many suffer fuel poverty. Action speaks louder than greenwash images with uplifting piano soundtracks to fluffy videos, so when will Shell stop drilling for fossil fuels? I wonder how Wael Sawan sleeps at night.

Claire d'Aboville

Leadership & Sustainability


Congratulations for your promotion to a role with such level of responsibility. Can I urge you to take a wide and long term view and, as you say, "open your mind as to what is possible"? The scope and urgency of the climate crisis imposes that no more drilling is done. How can your organisation respond to this challenge? Damages are already deeply experienced by communities and people worldwide. How can your organisation lead the way in facing responsibility and responding adequately such as through sharing financial returns more fairly? With your new role you are uniquely positioned to a play significant role in shaping the future of humanity (apologise for the "big words" here) and I wish you all the best with this.

In 1986, Shell's internal report predicted that global warming from fossil fuels would cause climate changes "the greatest in recorded history, including destructive floods," abandonment of entire countries and forced migration. 37 years later and silent death through environmental abuse remains your shameless modus operandi. Cut the green washing, open your eyes, ears and heart and stop killing our future for delusional short term profiteering. 

It is the obligation and responsibility of companies like Shell to drive the change we desperately need. It is time for you to wake up and take responsibility for the immense amounts of climate damage you have caused - which affects the entire planet and all future generations of humans and life on Earth. What percentage of your annual profit have you allocated towards transitioning to cleaner energy generation? Shell was recently denied the right to sonic blast the wild coast line of South Africa to look for potential oil drilling spots - the effects of your sonic testing alone would have terrorised the sea life in the area, upsetting precious ecosystems. Shell, why are you still looking for more places to drill for oil? The time is now to stop this and make decisions that will ensure future generations can live on a healthy planet! The fate of the world is almost literally in your hands and you choose greed and profit? The decisions you make will have a huge impact for all of us.

When will Shell start decreasing oil production and put their profits into renewable energy? Shouldn't some of these profits be helping communities affected by climate change. Oil companies have actively denied that fossil fuels are a huge contributing factor in Climate Change - global warming. Change can only happen at the pace it is needed when companies such as Shell wake up to the enormity of the problems we are facing and use their resources and skills and technology for the greater good and not for profit. When people are literally having to choose between heating and food , how can it be that energy providers such as Shell are reaping huge profits. Something is really wrong.

Anna Bryher

Policy Lead at Labour Behind the Label


Today Shell has just announced record annual profits. Why don’t you stop funneling these profits into new fossil fuel exploration and start investing much more in renewable energy and acknowledge and pay up for the climate destruction you’re causing globally?

Melanie Edwards

Successful Semi-Commercial Property Invester 🇬🇧


Boycott all shell garages… that’s a start… 🤬 people can’t afford to put their heatng on!!! In this day & age… 😩 people in the UK starving…. Whilst the Elite think they are ‘wonderful’ you are greedy robbing c***s! We are disgusted in your ignorance of poverty. You’re taking all my company profits in gas & electric bills 🤬 ☠️

Romaric Masson

EFL Teacher at Bell Cambridge


You say when you really focus you can make Shell unstoppable, but towards which goal? Wrecking societies across the world by pumping even more fossil fuels into the atmosphere through ever-increasing drilling? If so, that makes you one of the greatest threats to humanity and all life on Earth (70% of all fauna has now disappeared - that is 70%, and growing - and we are next). So if you really want to be part of the green energy transition as you pretend you do, then you must stop drilling for new fossil fuels and start taking responsibility for the climate damage you have already caused across the world. Wake up. And the argument of fulfilling demand simply doesn't stand, because before we need cars we need a future. WHen we reach +3 degrees in 20 years time, you'll see only too clearly how you could have decided to change the world before it was too late. It takes courage. But I trust that you can make the right decision, and then achieve great results - if you really set your mind to it. After all, you and Shell are unstoppable...

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