First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone *
Name of your organisation or group *
Would you like to request an adult or youth workshop? * Adult workshop Youth workshop
Which adult workshop would you like? * Back to the Facts: Climate Crisis 101 How we Win: Turning Hope Into Action
Which youth workshop would you like? * Our Changing Climate: Taking Action For Our Future! 8 - 11 yrs old Our Changing Climate: Taking Action For Our Future! 11-17 yrs old Generation Next: Eco-anxiety Resilience 5-7 years old Generation Next: Eco-anxiety Resilience 7-11 years old Generation Next: Eco-anxiety Resilience 11-18 year old
Type of talk * In Person Online Either In Person or Online
What is the postcode of the event? *
Preferred date for the workshop *
This date is flexible
How many people will be participating in the workshop?
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via phone
If you are a teacher, would you be happy to hear from us in the future about school specific projects Greenpeace is running via email?
Greenpeace UK will use the data you give us to connect you with a volunteer in the Greenpeace Speakers network, and help you organise your talk. To find out more, please read our privacy policy.