Climate voters: Let’s speak up!

Sticker that says 'I am a climate voter'

At the last general election, millions of us voted with climate and nature in mind. And our efforts have paid off.

Let’s show our new government and MPs that climate-friendly platforms won them votes - and now they have to act on them. If you voted with climate and nature in mind, will you add your name below?

Together, we can create a powerful movement of people pushing our politicians to be bold and promise to deliver the solutions that will improve our way of life and tackle the climate crisis.

An election is coming. That means right now, politicians want to know what we care about. It’s time to make sure your climate concerns are known.

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You don't have to leave your email address or phone number, but if you do, we’ll use these to keep you updated on how you can get involved through petitions, campaigning, volunteering and donating. You can opt out at any time. We take the security of your data seriously. Your information is safe and secure with us – read our privacy policy
Promoted by Greenpeace of Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN

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Supporter, help build a movement politicians can’t ignore.

Before the next election, we need politicians to realise that bold action to tackle the climate crisis is a vote winner in every corner of the country. The more people that pledge, the louder our concerns will be heard.

Will you help grow the movement by taking 30 seconds to share this action with your family and friends?

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  2. Volunteer
  3. Donate

Make your MP listen - volunteer to help find climate voters near you

Street by street, town by town, we’re knocking on doors and speaking to people about whether they’ll prioritise the climate when it comes to voting.

Would you like to get involved and join a volunteering team in your area?

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  2. Volunteer
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We’ll email you with ways to get involved. In the meantime, you can find out more about the opportunities by heading to our website.