Protect and restore nature in England

Nature in England is in crisis. Pollinators like bees are in decline, nearly 30% of birds in the UK are at risk of extinction and our rivers and beaches are contaminated with sewage.

The UK government is threatening to remove one of the most fundamental protections we have to safeguard nature and wildlife.

The Habitats Regulations protect hundreds of sites in England including stunning coastlines, ancient forests and beautiful fells. Without them, these areas of natural beauty could be exposed to damaging building developments, threatening rare habitats and vulnerable species.

The UK government must supercharge the protection and restoration of nature. Tell them now.


To: The UK government

“Do not scrap the fundamental protections for nature provided by the Habitats Regulations. You must do more so at least 30% of England's land and sea is fully or highly protected by 2030.”

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