Shell: your lawsuit is an outrage!

Now is your chance to stand up to big polluters like Shell. They are suing Greenpeace for taking direct action. But what they don’t realise is we’re a powerful movement of people, who will not be silenced.

When our court date comes, we plan to draw attention to all the people who sign our open letter supporting Greenpeace - will you be one of them?

Sign the open letter

“We will not be silenced! Add your name now and help us submit evidence that shows ordinary people will not back down to Shell’s intimidation.”

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Promoted by Greenpeace of Canonbury Villas, London N1 2PN

Thanks, Supporter

We know Shell is feeling the pressure… so we’ve set an audacious goal. We’re aiming to get 300,000 signatures before the end of the week. Can you help us spread the word by sharing the letter with your friends?

Thanks, Supporter

We need to spread the word:

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